Saturday, April 6th, 2013
I write a to-do list at the start of just about every day, but it can be tedious so I look for ways to shake up the process. Here are some ideas I find useful (in no particular order):
1) ABC Method — Try the ABC Method in which you write down the tasks you need to do and categorize them by:
- A = Critical to your goals and must be done that day.
- B = These are less urgent but should be started after your A’s are done.
- C = These are nice-to-do tasks that can be done if you’ve got some extra time
2) The 1-to-10 Stress Method
- List down all the to-dos that are stressing you out at the moment
- Rank them 1 to 10 in which 10 is stressing you out the most and 1 the least
- Tackle the tasks ranked 10 first, 9 next, 8 after that, etc.
3) Andreessen’s 3 to 5 Things on an Index Card — Marc Andreessen found it valuable to write down 3 to 5 things that you want to get done the following day. He does the following:
- The night before he writes the 3 to 5 most things he wants to get done on an index card
- He wakes up and tries to do those things
- For anything else he does (not on the list), he writes those things down on the opposite side of the index card and calls them his “anti-to-do” list.