The Enneagram Personality Types is an effective tool to understand the tendencies of yourself and others; including how you can work and play better together.
If you don’t know your Enneagram type, go here to check out the Free Enneagram Personality Type Tests
The Nine Enneagram Personality Types
Enneagram 1 = “The Perfectionist” or “The Reformer”
Enneagram 2 = “The Helper” or “The Giver”
Enneagram 3 = “The Performer” or “The Motivator”
Enneagram 5 = “The Thinker” or “The Observer”
Enneagram 6 = “The Skeptic” or “The Devil’s Advocate”
Enneagram 7 = “The Enthusiast” or “The Epicure”
Enneagram 8 = “The Leader” or “The Boss”
Enneagram 9 = “The Peacemaker” or “The Mediator”
If you enjoy Personality Types, you can also check out the Myers-Briggs Personality Types at these two links:
Free Myers-Briggs Jung Personality Test and
The 16 Myers-Briggs Personality Types
The Enneagram is both a figure (see the nine-pointed figure in the circle below) and a typology (a model of 9 personality types).
You can find out what Enneagram Personality Type you are by taking one of the free tests out there.
Here are two free Enneagram Personality Tests I’ve personally taken (each took about 10 to 15 minutes):
I took both so I could confirm my type.
When you’re done with the test, you should print out or copy the results and then go to the Nine Enneagram Personality Types to learn more, including famous people (including business-people) who share your type!
There are 16 personality types, inspired by the works of Carl Jung (with subsequent products based on those types trademarked by Myers-Briggs).
Below is a list of the 16 Jung Personality Types.
Click on any one of them to learn more details such as good careers and famous people for each type.
If you haven’t already taken the quick test, take it here: Personality Type Test — It’s free!
There’s also a fun Simpsons TV Show Personality Test.
If you enjoy personality types, you might also enjoy the The Nine Enneagram Personality Types
There’s a free 72-question online personality test (don’t worry, it’s all yes/no questions) that you can take to help determine which of the 16 Carl Jung personality types you are.
Some people call it the Jung Typology Test.
Here are some tips for you BEFORE you take this really valuable test:
Ok, enough pep-talk. Click here to get your Free Personality Test
One more thing: Afer you’ve taken the test, don’t forget to check out The 16 Personality Types so you can find out more about your particular type (including careers that make sense for you and famous people who are your personality type!).