Some of the most successful products of all time began as something else — I love coaching entrepreneurs on this fact!
The morale of the story is: get started on building your products because the sooner you get started, the sooner you’ll know what amazing product you can build!
Here are 10 of my favorites products that began as something else:
Two engineers, Marc Chavannes and Aldred Fielding, sealed two shower curtains together to create a new type of wallpaper (with bubbles in it). It was later marketed as greenhouse insulation.
It wasn’t until years later that Bubble Wrap would be used to help protect IBM computers during shipping.
BubbleWrap is also ranked #22 in my list of The Top 100 Brands Synonomous With Their Product Category.
It was at first a patent medicine invented in the late 19th century by John Pemberton. …
If you’re gonna build a hot dog stand, what are the few key things you need to focus on?
I grew up in New York City where the hot dog guys had to have a minimum of a good wiener, fresh bun and mustard
The weiner will probably be first…then the bun…then some mustard and then a stand or cart, right?
If those four items weren’t satisfactory, your hot dog stand would be in big trouble.
Surprisingly, most businesses don’t take that same sensible approach.
Note: thanks to the 37Signals guys who wrote the entrepreneurial-focused Rework book for that hot dog stand analogy! …