I got asked today how you track links on your blog or Web site.
The simplest way to track your Web site/blog usage is to use Google Analytics.
I like it because it’s free and it gives you massive amounts of data in fairly easy to use interface.
You’ll need a Gmail email address to get started. This is free and you can create one from here:
Next, you want to install Google Analytics. Again, this is free and here’s a great tutorial on setting up Google Analytics.
You will have to wait about 24 hours for Google Analytics to start working (to show you stats).
Twenty-four hours after you’ve installed Google Analytics, you can start seeing your data come in.
There’s a lot of data that will help you track such things as:
Here’s a good tutorial on how to use Google Analytics:
If you want a more complex look at analytics, you might try reading my How To Use Marketing Analytics posting.
I hope you found this useful!
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