Numbers are so fascinating — I just realized that if Facebook were a country, it would be the third largest in the world (see rankings below).
For your business, it begs some of the following questions:
- Are you and your business prioritizing Facebook high enough?
- If you’re a U.S. business, should Facebook be your third priority (after China & India) in terms of emerging markets?)
- Who’s got more Internet users: Facebook or China or India?
- Who would you rather have as your customer-base: every person in the United States or every member of Facebook?
- Will Facebook rival China & India as a supplier to Walmart?
- Facebook is often described as closed — will Google face the same challenge of indexing Facebook content as it has indexing content of China?
Top 20 Countries in the World (by population)
China[5] 1,335,720,000
India 1,176,791,000
United States 308,639,000
Indonesia 231,369,500
Brazil 192,449,000
Pakistan 168,679,000
Bangladesh 162,221,000
Japan 127,470,000
Mexico 107,550,697
Philippines 92,226,600
Vietnam 85,789,573
Germany 81,757,600
Ethiopia 79,221,000
Egypt 77,834,000
Iran 74,196,000
Turkey 72,561,312
Dem. Rep. of Congo 66,020,000
Source: Wikipedia & Facebook reports