I was speaking to colleague James the other day and he was praising his VP of Sales as an amazing leader.
I asked James to outline what leadership skills he appreciated about his boss, and he shared the five tips below.
These leadership tips apply to any team situation you’re in:
This is #1 by far: he REALLY gets how to shout praise and whisper criticism.
On a daily basis he ALWAYS tells us “great job”, “good work”, “I like what you did there”.
Praise has such an impact!!!
What’s very interesting is even when I don’t get the desired outcome (In my case a sale) he STILL finds a way to praise me for what I did do great.
He’s so good I let him know and asked him about it. He mentioned his mindset is: “I’m always looking for when people are winning”
He’s out there selling just like I am…
Even if that isn’t the case in the future as things expand, I know he’s capable of it and he is speaking form a place of experience.
He is genuinely interested in hearing ideas or thoughts from our team that might help him or others get better.
This = our opinions are valued.
This item is so in-depth that we’re dedicating a 3 Easy Ways For Building Teamwork posting to it.
He keeps us informed what he is working on and what is coming up. Example:
“Hey guys the marketing pieces I’m working on are coming along great we’ll probably send those out next week to get us some leads.”
This = Makes me feel involved, helps me see the vision and be apart of it.
Note: If you enjoy the subject of leadership skills, check out these articles on leadership tips that I and others have written for you.