I’m on the Web all the time — I estimate I’ve looked at more than 50,000 Web sites in my lifetime
When one of them stands out, I like to spread the word.
99Designs is one such Web site.
99Designs solves a common problem in an unusual way: it allows you to submit your design requirements to their audience of designers who compete to win your project (or “contest” as they call it).
I tested them out for a logo I needed for a personality type site I do in my spare time. It hasn’t launched yet but it’s going to be called “TopTypes.”
Since real-life examples are more useful, I took screen shots of the experience I had running a design contest on 99Designs for the TopTypes logo I needed.
You can choose from such categories as:
99Designs asks you to fill out a simple design brief with items such as type of logos, values you want to communicate, colors you like, etc.
The price options (for logos) were $295, $495 or $695.
I chose $295 – -the higher the amount you choose, the higher the number of submissions you will receive.
Note: The standard duration of the “contest” — as 99Designs calls these — is 7 days. You can do a rush job if you pay them (e.g. an extra $79 to make it a one-day contest or $59 for 2 days and $39 for 3 days).
Because I chose the 7-day contest, I had to wait a couple of days for the first logo submissions to come in, but then they came in fast and furious.
I then started making “General Comments” to the designers to tell the designers what I thought of the direction they were were heading in.
I then began giving a 1 to 5 rating to the submissions.
Note: everyone on 99Designs can see the ratings (unless you choose a private contest) so people know who’s in the lead for winning the contest.
I ended up having 110 logo submissions over the week-long contest (many of these were iterations from the same designer — I’d estimate I had about 20 different designers who submitted logos).
Note: I subsequently ran a logo contest (for $695) on 99Designs and
[somehow I missed this the first time I used 99Designs]
Once your Qualifying Round ends, you are notified by 99Designs and then have 4 days to select up to 6 finalists who advance to the final round in which you are seeing their submissions and giving them more ratings/feedback.
The final round lasts for 3 days (or 5 day period if you are running a web page design or app design contest).
Then you pick the winner. 99Designs gives you 2 weeks after the contest ends to pick the winner…though you can pick it immediately if you prefer.
You then transfer copyright (both you and the winning designer have to agree).
And then the designer uploads the file of the winning creative work to 99Designs, and you the “Contest Owner” downloads the file.
99Designs forwards most of the money to the winning designer and keeps a commission for itself of $39 plus 15% of the contest).
As an entrepreneur, this entire design process was very smooth, fun and gave me solid results at a reasonable cost.
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